
everyone is talking about this whole kanye west, taylor swift, beyonce debable so i figured i would offer up my opinions pertaining to the matter.

kanye west is a mind-less, wit-less, ball-less moron.

yes, i like taylor swift, i like her music-i, on occassion, crank it up, grab a brush
-or a 'microphone'-and rock out. but by no means am i a die hard fan and kanye wests comment didnt make me want to cry or yell at the tv. it simple made me shake my head in utter disbelief, utter disbelief at one individuals lack of mental capacity.

especially taking into consideration this particular individuals creative genius and talent-its hard to believe he would sacrifice his fan base and diginity to make one comment that, in the end, didnt change the outcome. taylor swift won. kanye makes stupid redundant comment. taylor swift still wins.

sometimes it makes you wonder how some people lack that little voice that i like to call a filter.
how in any way, shape or form did you think that comment would be a good idea? it just astonishes me. i had a friend once who, literally, would say whatever came to mind. she would just blurt it out as if she thought it was acceptable on any level. i can recall one comment so vividly that to this day it makes my stomach churn in an embarassment for all parties: she met a friend of my roomates and i's in the halls of our res as he was returning from the gym and before even gesturing the introduction she blurted out "you have huge pit stains." i felt mortified beyond belief and i am not one to be easily flustered. she, needless to say, is no longer a friend. and frankly...doesnt have many now either. and unbeknownst to her-its because her over active verbal-diarreah causes people to question her mental capacity.

360-back to kanye.

each time he brainlessly opens his mouth and makes comments that would make his mother turn over in her grave-he loses more and more respect from people, people who are potential customers, potential fans. if he doesnt realise it soon, not even his talent will save him.

(little shout out to beyonce who just exemplified class by bringing taylor back on stage to finish her exceptance speech. just pure class.)

so, in conclusion...kanye, shut your mouth, your wit-less 'opinions' are losing credibility each time you pollute us with them. your music may be good, but your belligerent outburts are garbage.

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