The Four Types of Modern-day Hippie
The popular hippie counterculture that started back in the 1960’s was indeed so popular that even now, the concept and the culture still manage to live on.
The first type of what is called “modern-day hippies” is the true-blue hippie, a true child of the 1960’s counterculture. He (or she) is the true picture of a full-blown hippie, who lives the original hippie values from inside and out.
The second type of modern-day hippies are a somewhat downplayed version. Their hippie side is reflected more by their environment-friendly, tree-hugging advocacies, rather than through their political and societal idealisms. They are mostly vegetarians, and tend to live through life in a breeze and simply focus on their love for the environment and clean, healthy things. They are lighter and brighter hippies. They are sometimes called granola children. A “granola child”, according to the urban dictionary, is one who “enjoys tie-dye, granola, and peace”.
The third type of modern-day hippies, on the other hand, are the exact opposite of the granola children. They are the angry hippies. They are more futuristic, and like to show off their hippie values in enhanced, exaggerated ways. They are called the “techno hippies”. They are more modern and more forward than the Neo-Hippies. They take the hippie character to the next level. They sport tattoos, body piercing, and strange hairstyles such as the famous dreadlocks. They also exhibit their opinions though rave parties where they mostly consume large amounts of drugs and alcohol. They also take their advocacies to the Internet and are in tune with the latest gaming technologies. They are, in a way, rebellious hippies.
Finally, the fourth type of modern-day hippies are not really composed of hippies anymore, as a lot of people claim. They are hippies without a cause. Cynics like to call them “rippies”, because they are simply ripping off the hippie lifestyle, for lack of an original generational style and culture to live by.
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