Epiphany; a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.
What a beautiful word. A word which eludes to an even more beautiful, gratifying, awe-inspiring feeling.
Epiphany. I had one. The best one.
As it states in its definition "usually initiated by some simple, homely, or common place occurrence of experience" and it was. All it took was one stupefying move on one individuals part that made me realize how superior I was and how sad, inferior and to put it bluntly-pathetic he was. Even though, at the time, this occurrence pained me, I know feel myself omitting more of an sympathy towards him, a want to say "it's okay that you belittle yourself with your actions and bring upon consequences of self loathing and humiliation." One day he will learn how demeaning and pointless his efforts to perform these immature acts actually were, he will learn that people mock his actions and that he looks insecure and docile with his very seemingly pathetic life.
Insert- sympathy.
Not empathy.
Because frankly, I've never done such things as purposely afflicting pain on someone for my own sick sense of self gratification. I've never wanted to diminish my self worth and disrupt my good standing reputation in the ways that he has as of recently. And this is what makes me superior to him and his sad, dwindling little life of developing a beer belly, balding and basically going no where in life. No where but down, that is. I, on the other hand, have never been more successful and happy. I feel like lately everything I've wanted to accomplish or obtain, I have-through optimism and confidence and not letting anything, not even his pathetic excuse for a man actions or words, affect my performance at life. I am rocking life and loving every minute, no every second of it.
My dad keeps saying "men are intimidated by strong, independent women."
I don't want to believe that men are that meek and unassuming.
But my experiences keep proving my dad's omission as correct, in fact-they are right on the nose.
Strong men seek strong women.
Weak men seek weak women.
Believing my own theory; it can be said that this simple minded individual just purely cannot handle a women with more integrity, goal orientation and determination than him. This is such a beautiful realization. For, two months ago, I toyed with the notion that I was not good enough, and that there was something imminently wrong with me. Now I see it's the exact opposite. He has realized, what took me so long to: I am out of his league.
Now don't assume that I am, as it's said, "full of myself" because that is so far from the truth its debilitating. I am not full of myself, I'm simply not going to be pumped full of the bullshit that is him making me feel like a lesser compaired to him, when in actuality I have what he wants and yearns for: security, intelligence, confidence and self worth.
So I'll let this one incident slide, I'll let him have this point, because I think deep down he is an insecure little child with no optimistic future of his own. I may sound bitter, but its all in good standing. I just merely wish him the best of luck in life...hes going to need it.
Now I want the best out of life and he isn't it. So no matter how many 'dragons' he 'slays' and how many callous words he attempts to re interate to me, I'm going to hold my head high and say- "It's okay, you'll learn one day...and I truly hope you do-for your sake, not mine cause moron-I'm longggg gone."...or maybe I'll just flash him a smile and remind him what he will never in his demeaning, worthless life have ever, ever again.
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