pleasant observations

its amazing the things that change with time. and the things that dont, for that matter.

recently one of my best friends and i were discussing high school-however juvenile, college and basically everything that has transpired in between; people, situations, relationships and so on.

while discussing the terrain of events we noticed a few things.

lack of change.
the people in high school who lacked the ambition to conquer and flourish STILL lack those same qualities that have allowed those of us who have, in fact, succeeded to do just that.
Every town, every school has those select few people who never quite evoke themselves into successful individuals, they never leave their home town, never get a solid education (and assuming they do-they move home post education and get a lackluster job-not career-job) they go to the same bar on the same nights with the same people, and how do they afford that? by living with their parents, rent free, groceries and utilities taken care of.
i know these people, so do you-like i said, everrrrry town has them.
each time i go home, i encounter these people-hell...i dated one of them and to be more than remotely honest
-his lack of ambition to escape the deathly grasp of a one horse town was less than appealing and ultimately made him appear a lesser in the mental capacity area. but i digress...

the strength, or lack there of, in friendships.
there were people in school who were knit into such strong and co-dependent relationships
you couldnt fathom seeing them apart, living seperate lives
-however, post high school they barely speak or when they do the conversation is composed of customary niceties that youd expect from "old friends" and random how are you's via facebook, no seclusion.
is it the value these people put in their relationships, is it mere laziness or were there possibly a serious of unfortunate events leading to the so called demise of their friendships?
regardless or the ailing events-their friendships were no more.
then there are the relationships i believe i have been involved in; true, heartfelt, give/take friendships.
my group of friends rarely had so much as a disagreement it seem the friends who had less "fights" and less laguna beach type drama seemed to have the stronger, more structured relationships to this day.

its amazing the things that change and the things that dont and how little each one surprises you; your observations and assumptions of people seem to generally prove true. there's individuals i knew would only spiral downward post high school and they have. friendships i feel came with a short ended expiry date did indeed expire and some even spoiled for that matter. you always hope for the best for everyone (however human nature it is to cheer for the downfalls of possible 'competitors') but it sure is nice to observe the traits that you accumulated and developed over time fulfill all the aspirations you had for yourself even if its in the sometimes smaller and less impactual areas of life. i can look back to high school up until now and see my dreams slowly but steadily coming true and my friendships strengthening and continuing to reward all those involved. so, i guess it could be assumed that im overly and abundantly pleased with my best friend and i's observations-i dig the lack of change and believe wholeheartedly in the strength of friendships.

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