i have NEVER watched the bachelor.
the concept is lost on me.
yes, i understand the illusive idea that the bachelor in fact will find his "true love" but i cant imagine having to do so in such a manner, assuming you believe the idea of true love in the first place. but let me throw this down from my perspective...
the bachelor is on his quest for true love, true love is assumed to be a monogamous form of love.
- The practice or condition of being married to only one person at a time.
- The practice of marrying only once in a lifetime.
regardless of which definition you take into account-each displays the same idea...one person, singular, uno, un.
so why is this show comprised of an allotment of woman all vying for one mans love? a man they have never met, at that!
the basis of this show is beyond absurd. one man is essentially dating 25 woman. (hello pilogamy!) after each episode he gives one or more women the boot, until the illustrious one is chosen.
doesn't that make this show a complete hypocrisy?
...don't be monogamous in the quest to find the ultimate monogamous relationship.
the bachelor in question, is basically just fishing; throwing back the ones not up to his touchstone.
imagine not one of the 25 girls is righteously and veritably for him, he may instinctively just chose the better of the remaining 'minions.' and while im on a roll here, could i possibly point out the pending question, why does a guy who seems legitimately PERFECT have to be on such a show-shouldn't girls be pouring over themselves to get the chance to date such a gem? AND lest these girls forget that not every date they go on with the 'bachelor' will be candle lit while consuming chocolate covered strawberries and drinking an abundance of white wine.
thus i come to the conclusion: the entire concept is of this show is ridiculous, hypocritical and ultimately a fallacy.
before taking it upon myself to experience this show i was unable to comment, now that i have wasted an hour of my life on such a misleading and to be blunt, stupid show...i can say, without a doubt, i would have been better off attempting to dig a hole to china.
with that being said. i have to retort. i also watched a television show tonight that blew my mind, and not in the jersey shore "oh my god i cant believe snookie got punched in the face by a guy" type of way. in a way that actually made me feel something, almost a sense of empathy and empowerment...all mixed into one.
the buried life.
anyone who watched it can concur, it forces you to re-evaluate your life; in general, in sequences. just re-evaluate what you want out of it. what risks, what dreams.
the buried life focuses on four friends who made a list of things they wanted to accomplish before they died. with this list, they boarded a bus and travelled all over to complete the tasks on the list, and with every task they completed, they helped someone else along the way. what a beautiful, mind altering concept. even considering tonights episode focused on the list objective to get into a party at the playboy mansion, they also put themselves out there, at the mercy of the people in los angeles and raised enough money to buy a computer for an underfunded school they had recently visited.
how refreshing is it to see a show on tv focused on the good things people can do.
dont get me wrong-im not going to lie and say i dont love a good old fashioned episode of jersey shore-drama and all. but seeing a show with such a positive and ambitious message, so to speak is amazing.
so what i learnt tonight;
tv reality shows based upon non monogamous love outlines...bad.
tv show focused on helping others, living life to the fullest and achieving dreams...good.
as Duncan, from the buried life, said: get busy livin' or get busy dyin'.
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