worrying is like a rocking chair...

worrying. its such an odd concept. its time consuming yet completely fruitless, pointless even.

so why do we do it? when self reflecting; i chalk my immense and sometimes inordinate worry up to fear of the unknown in addition to fear of the steps that may be taken to get to this negatively touted 'unknown.'

when faced with new, unchartered territorial situations, especially in cases where i feel uneducated or 'out of the loop' so to speak-i find myself just consumed with worry in such ways that debilitate the course of my day, or to be somewhat brash, my life in general. it becomes apparent to others; my words, actions, complete demeanor and character are affected.

i need to regain a sense of trust within myself, others and to whatever powers may be. i need to trust things happen for a reason and that you cant curve the outcome of a situation regardless how strongly and immensely it worries me, nor by how much it may scare me, make me ache in ways i never quite knew existed. anyone who procures the same soulfully unfortunate worrying habits that i do can empathize and wallow in their own sense of self doubt but i want to think instead of cornering ourselves into a place of anguish, perplexity and absolute torment, we need to set aside the anxiety, fight the tears, ignore the protruding predictions, distain any and all blame on ourselves, or others for the continuous evoked feelings of doubt and acknowledge the uncertainty of the course of things to come with the most optimism and acceptance as possible.

as baz luhrmann once said, or sang for that matter...
"Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as 
effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing 

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