lets face it. hell, lets just blatantly put it out there; women face double standards on almost any and all situations known to man (excuse the undoubtable pun.)
its nice to think of all the areas women, as a whole and as individuals have evolved and increased the strength of a womans worth but i cant help but digress into the obvious and abundantly sad fact that we just arent equals with men, taking into account social and hypocrisized areas of life.
lets look at the ever debatable and seemingly irritable subject of sexual activity. when recently discussing with a male room mate why it is so acceptable in society for a man to be promiscuous while a female is shunned for any such action involving a sexual freedom he told me this:
"if a key can open any door-its called a master key. if a lock can be opened by any key-its a shitty lock"
the analogy, although colourful and very 'persuading'-have you, just reiterated to me the lack of acceptance woman have created for themselves in this world.
so what if we want to be sexually liberated? we've been caged in, cooped up and told to smile and cross our legs for decades. who decided and when was it decided mens sometimes sexually deviant behaviour was acceptable and ours wasnt?
as if thats not bad enough, woman who have attempted to break down that metaphorical door and embrace their sexual confidence and security have been considered detrimental to the dubbed womens movement. some, what we could call, 'trail blazers' like marilyn monroe and madonna have been hailed as 'sluts' or other incredibly demeaning terms coined by men to further lessen our ability to make sexually suggestive moves without reprecautions.
even Freud entertained the idea that women were lessened and in a more precarious way about their sexual identities in society. he so bluntly called it "penis envy." he believed, as found in his theory of psychosexual development, that during the phallic stage-so between the ages of 3 and 5- young girls distance themselves from their mothers and instead, redirect and devote their affections to their fathers.
Freud claimed this occurred when a girl became educated and could differentiate between sexes and thus realized that she had no penis.
"Girls hold their mother responsible for their lack of a penis and do not forgive her for their being, thus put at a disadvantage."
even some of the most intelligent psycho analysts of time have somewhat decreed upon us, in a sense, the knowledge that woman lack the sexual competency that men do-heck, we learn it as prematurely as age 3!
although, i myself, find no particular interest in the area of sexual exploration through promiscuity-i would love to hold out hope that one day women can be open and honest about their wants and needs in the sexual sense without judgement or unacceptable backlash. its just one smaller step towards becoming the equals we have always wanted to be. no, its not by any means as impactful or even seemingly as important as things such as equality in salary or political or job oriented rights, but its something we all complain about, yet make no progress towards in fear of societies lacklustre acceptance of the matter. its about time for some change in ALL areas of the double standard-regardless of how its rated on the scale of importance.