i've contained my...'feelings' on this subject for quite some time but am more recently finding my strong opinions protruding and basically begging to be omitted in a blog.
so it here goes:
stereotypes- i loathe them from my very core.
stereotype: a set of characteristics or a fixed idea considered to represent a particular kind of person; an idea or convention that has grown stale through fixed usage.
in a sense, i completely disagree with this definition. they neglect to say anything about how debilitating stereotypes can be, how incorrect and damning.
example: blondes are stupid.
i would deem this one of the most recognizable and often used stereotypes-closely followed by those of race, religion or sexual orientation. seemingly some of the most intelligent women i know are blonde; whether born with blonde hair or dyed it somewhere along the line. i have a best friend who has been blonde since the day she evacuated the womb who has graduated one of the most prestigious programs at a very reputable school and now has a job where she assists people, with sometimes, more education and life experience than she has. another close blonde friend has made a small empire with her artistic talent and this empire in question has an ever expanding popularity, i believe one day she will take on the world in her craft. need i continue on various other blondes i know, or has my point been tried, tested and true with these examplary females?
furthermore: lets look at famous blonde entrepreneur and decorator extrordinaire Martha Stewart. Yes, Martha Stewart...let me previously abolish the idea that i think her getting caught and going to jail was smart- i dont...however, this woman single handedly divulged in her craft and made it a multi million dollar enterprise. she took over television, print, retail. martha stewart to the world is like the plague was to egypt in the story of the exodus!...and there came forth my own 'stereotype'...but a solidified one at that. a 'dumb blonde' would never accomplish half the feats that Marth Stewart has. end of story.
we can also use...
Princess Diana: her intelligence and compassion captured the world. she capitalized on her title to help others.
marilyn monroe: used her sex appeal and business like mind to conduct affairs on her terms-she was a mover and shaker of her time.
hilary clinton: had her own articulated plan on providing a better health care system for the people of the united states-and had clinton administrators not coheresed her nix the plan-it would have been successful.
their are NUMEROUS actresses and songstresses who hold b.a.'s, masters, p.h.d.'s. look it up.
point proven. in bulk.
i personally feel empowered being blonde-bottle blonde, mind you, but still! i believe the notion that i am unintelligent or uneducated motivates me all the more to be successful and cultered. i read, i write, i learn, i obtain information and use it to my advantage, i offer my opinions and advice to the best of my knowledge.
but for some reason this ridiculous and unconcious stereotype will never allow the legitimacy of a persons intelligence to surfice. so fighting it is redundant.
the mantra i have acquired pertaining to this subject is: ignorance is bliss. i chose to forget what any and every individual assumes about me based upon my appearance or physical features and carry on proving them wrong. in the grande scheme of things all that really matters is your knowledge of your capabilities. screw what the cyniques and critics have to say based upon your "stereotype"...and dont be surprised when you once again meet these people in the middle...on your rise to the top and their slow decent to the bottom.
so it here goes:
stereotypes- i loathe them from my very core.
stereotype: a set of characteristics or a fixed idea considered to represent a particular kind of person; an idea or convention that has grown stale through fixed usage.
in a sense, i completely disagree with this definition. they neglect to say anything about how debilitating stereotypes can be, how incorrect and damning.
example: blondes are stupid.
i would deem this one of the most recognizable and often used stereotypes-closely followed by those of race, religion or sexual orientation. seemingly some of the most intelligent women i know are blonde; whether born with blonde hair or dyed it somewhere along the line. i have a best friend who has been blonde since the day she evacuated the womb who has graduated one of the most prestigious programs at a very reputable school and now has a job where she assists people, with sometimes, more education and life experience than she has. another close blonde friend has made a small empire with her artistic talent and this empire in question has an ever expanding popularity, i believe one day she will take on the world in her craft. need i continue on various other blondes i know, or has my point been tried, tested and true with these examplary females?
furthermore: lets look at famous blonde entrepreneur and decorator extrordinaire Martha Stewart. Yes, Martha Stewart...let me previously abolish the idea that i think her getting caught and going to jail was smart- i dont...however, this woman single handedly divulged in her craft and made it a multi million dollar enterprise. she took over television, print, retail. martha stewart to the world is like the plague was to egypt in the story of the exodus!...and there came forth my own 'stereotype'...but a solidified one at that. a 'dumb blonde' would never accomplish half the feats that Marth Stewart has. end of story.
we can also use...
Princess Diana: her intelligence and compassion captured the world. she capitalized on her title to help others.
marilyn monroe: used her sex appeal and business like mind to conduct affairs on her terms-she was a mover and shaker of her time.
hilary clinton: had her own articulated plan on providing a better health care system for the people of the united states-and had clinton administrators not coheresed her nix the plan-it would have been successful.
their are NUMEROUS actresses and songstresses who hold b.a.'s, masters, p.h.d.'s. look it up.
point proven. in bulk.
i personally feel empowered being blonde-bottle blonde, mind you, but still! i believe the notion that i am unintelligent or uneducated motivates me all the more to be successful and cultered. i read, i write, i learn, i obtain information and use it to my advantage, i offer my opinions and advice to the best of my knowledge.
but for some reason this ridiculous and unconcious stereotype will never allow the legitimacy of a persons intelligence to surfice. so fighting it is redundant.
the mantra i have acquired pertaining to this subject is: ignorance is bliss. i chose to forget what any and every individual assumes about me based upon my appearance or physical features and carry on proving them wrong. in the grande scheme of things all that really matters is your knowledge of your capabilities. screw what the cyniques and critics have to say based upon your "stereotype"...and dont be surprised when you once again meet these people in the middle...on your rise to the top and their slow decent to the bottom.