your tired. stressed out..for a compilation of reasons. consumed with the things going on in your life.
and slowly you notice you become more tired, sore, unable to physically function. your sick.
thats what i am, oh-so fortunately (insert sarcasm here) experiencing right now. the past few weeks have been nothing but emotionally and mentally tumultuous for me, ranging in wide from specific events, the downfalls of those events, lack lustre support, confusion, boredom and disappointment. i know, im playing the pity party card but after learning im a not-so-proud carrier of mononucleosis, shingles and have been put on watch for my heart rate being "alarming low"- despite my most recently increased healthy lifestyle, i was personally motivated to educate myself on why i am experiencing all this lovely hospital joy due to my decrepit illness.
in my online research i learnt of a great correlation between stress and physical health:
"Stress and health are closely linked. It is well known that stress, either quick or constant, can induce risky body-mind disorders. Immediate disorders such as dizzy spells, anxiety, tension, sleeplessness, nervousness and muscle cramps can all result in chronic healthproblems. In the long run they may also affect our immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems."
in short, non medical terms;
'mono' is a direct hit due to a lack lustre immune system; stress affects the immune system as a result of possible limited sleep, food intake, mental exhaustion.
shingles are directly linked to the nervous system, as the virus lies latent in all of us until it is 'rattled' in some way, most notably by a suppressed immune system (thanks, mono)
and the low heart rate, pretty self explanatory.
therefore i can buy into the stress and health correlation. my stress level has been above and beyond any ive experienced before hence my immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems have been hit in the non resolute war on myself. i never quite experienced an illness that i couldnt directly link to my own meandering negligence, also known as drinking binges, staying up until the break of dawn, over exerting myself in every way possible.
so before you end up like me, wearing your stress on your medical charts, heres the wise words i wish i had been restored with...stop consuming yourself with the worries of your world-attempt to relax, attempt to find a calm in the storm that may be your life, omit persons creating this immense pain and stress within your life; 99% of the time these individuals could care less about the imminent damage they are causing anyways and no matter how hard you may be hurting, or how elated with stress you may be...take a step back and regardless of the speed bumps along the way, try to enjoy the ride.